How to Save Money by Growing Your Own Food

Being a mom is a full-time job, and the demands of life can leave little room for anything else. But what if I told you that you can save money, promote healthier eating habits, and create meaningful family moments by growing your own food, even with your busy schedule? This post will walk you through the benefits of home gardening, offer practical tips for getting started, and provide advice on how to seamlessly integrate gardening into your already-packed routine.

The Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

Financial Savings

In an age where every penny counts, growing your own food is a smart financial move. The initial investment might seem daunting, but the long-term savings are significant. Imagine eliminating or drastically reducing your grocery bills by producing your own fresh produce. By cutting down on frequent trips to the supermarket, you can put those saved dollars toward other essential family expenses.

Healthier Eating Habits

As a mom, I’m sure you’re concerned about the health and well-being of your family. Growing your own food allows you to have full control over what goes into your crops. You can choose to use organic methods, avoid harmful pesticides, and harvest your produce at its peak ripeness, ensuring that your family gets the freshest and most nutritious meals possible.

Related: How to Grow Your Own Food and Improve Your HealthVertical Garden

Quality Family Time

Gardening can be a wonderful bonding experience for your family. It’s an opportunity for your children to learn about where their food comes from and to develop a sense of responsibility by helping with planting, watering, and harvesting. These shared moments in the garden can create lasting memories and teach valuable life skills.

growing your own food vertical gardening

Growing Your Own Food: Tips for Busy Moms

Plan Wisely

With your busy schedule, it’s essential to plan your garden efficiently. Start small with a few easy-to-grow crops that your family enjoys. Consider the space and time you have available and choose crops that fit within those limitations. Research the growing seasons in your region to ensure you’re planting at the right time.

Choose Low-Maintenance Crops

Opt for crops that don’t require constant attention. Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary, as well as hardy vegetables like tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers, are relatively low-maintenance options. These plants are forgiving and can thrive even with occasional care.

Create a Smart Garden Layout

Design your garden layout with accessibility and efficiency in mind. Place crops that need frequent attention or harvesting closer to your home, while those requiring less attention can be placed farther away. This way, you can tend to your garden in smaller increments of time rather than needing to spend long stretches on maintenance.

Use Time-Saving Techniques

Incorporate time-saving techniques to make gardening more manageable. Mulching helps retain moisture and suppresses weeds, reducing the need for constant watering and weeding. Additionally, raised beds or container gardening can make it easier to maintain your garden and control soil quality.

How to Fit Growing Your Own Food into Your Busy Routine

Set Realistic Expectations

Being a busy mom means you have limited time to dedicate to gardening. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your garden. It’s okay if things don’t go perfectly the first time. Learning and adapting as you go are all part of the process.

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growing your own food gardening tips

Utilize “Found Time”

Look for pockets of time within your daily routine that you can use for gardening tasks. While waiting for the kids to finish their activities, use that time to water, weed, or tend to your plants. Every little bit adds up and helps you stay connected with your garden.

Involve the Family

Turn gardening into a family affair by involving your partner and children. Allocate specific tasks that everyone can manage, and encourage teamwork in maintaining the garden. Not only does this lighten your load, but it also fosters a sense of shared responsibility and accomplishment.

Embrace Imperfection

It’s important to remember that gardening doesn’t have to be perfect. Some days you might have more time to dedicate, while others may be busier. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the process of nurturing your plants.

Harvesting and Preserving Your Bounty

Harvest Thoughtfully When Growing Your Own Food

When it’s time to harvest, do so thoughtfully and regularly. Regular harvesting encourages plants to produce more and prevents overripe or spoiled produce. Make it a part of your routine to check for ripe vegetables and fruits during your garden “check-ins.”

Preserve the Excess

As your garden yields more than your family can consume, consider preserving the excess through freezing, canning, or drying. This ensures that your hard work continues to nourish your family during the off-season.


Being a busy mom doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the joys of gardening and the benefits of fresh, homegrown produce. By carefully planning, choosing the right crops, and integrating gardening into your routine, you can enjoy the rewards of a thriving garden without overwhelming yourself. From financial savings to healthier meals and cherished family moments, growing your own food is a transformative journey that empowers you to lead a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. So, grab your gardening gloves and embark on this enriching adventure – your family and your wallet will thank you!

Be sure to follow SimpLeigh Organized on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more gardening tips!

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